HEPA Filters Can Help Keep You Happy and Healthy

Springtime is here, and that means troublesome, airborne irritants and particles are hanging in the air (among other locations). But the quality of the air you’re inhaling in your the U.S. home doesn’t need to be the only way. If you take adequate steps to ready your family and home comfort system, you can cut down on the likelihood of allergies and sickness spreading, and you could even diminish exposure to other airborne molecules and grime, which will help you stay healthier and happier. It all comes down to a great HEPA filter. 


It Could Help Stop Illness 

Can your HEPA air filter help prevent you from getting sick? It depends. HEPA filters are not able to protect your family from a virus. There is also no complete guarantee that any HEPA air filter will hinder other illnesses, such as the flu, cold, or allergies. But a great HEPA filter can better your odds of staying healthy, when accompanied with well-known best practices. 

As shown by Center for Disease Control and Prevention studies, industrial-grade air filters are offering favorable results when it comes to limiting the increase of irritants that hover in the air. However, these systems are much more costly than standard residential filters. HEPA filters for family homes also continue to get better. There are many tests that have proven the power of HEPA filters removing mold spores, asbestos, odors, smoke and bacteria from your the U.S. house’s air. However, several airborne diseases or viruses are too miniscule for a HEPA filter to stop them from progressing through the air of an average home. 

HEPA filters can minimize the prospect of contracting an array of illnesses associated with frequent exposure to fine particles disrupted by construction and other labor-intensive activities. For instance, if you’re remodeling rooms of your home, enjoy a hobby prone to kick up a lot of dirt or chemicals, or if your residence is near some businesses, changing to a HEPA filter could inhibit them from fluttering through your home, therefore helping to clean the air quality

There are other air filtration to determine which option is best for you.   

Don’t forget, while a HEPA filter could potentially diminish the probability of developing common airborne sicknesses, it is no substitute for appropriate hygiene and the instruction of medical experts! Keep this information top of mind as you care for your space and family. 

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